First a picture of what it looks like:
This is Video of what I got so far:
At the moment it is a clone of the old design, but Qt Quick makes it easy for designers to make bling design and it has way better effects included by now. Also I think using Qt Quick for the frontend of ubiquity would be great for the whole Ubuntu project, because we would only need to maintain one frontend instead of 2.
I plan to integrate the finall mockup into ubiquity and the Kubuntu team might use it in 12.10 as our frontend. If somebody want’s to help ping me in IRC (bulldog98 in #kubuntu-devel).
If you want to play with the sources just do a
git clone git://
install kde-runtime, libqtwebkit-qmlwebkitplugin and qt4-qmlviewer gointo the directory and run
qmlviewer -I /usr/lib/kde4/imports Ubiquity-mockup.qml
Have fun with my mockup